In life it’s really important to give. I don’t think I can stress this enough. In a world, where many people are self -absorbed and only do things to get personal gain, this is something I think more people need to focus on.
Why do you think we have families, friends, teams, etc. We, as people, need help, and support, and can not achieve our dreams without that from others. This is OUR world. Not mine, or yours. We are all here together to make a difference and when people, friends, any group come together, its always much stronger than one.
My point today is that people need to start giving more and helping others. Its really time to just step up. I mean I would do anything for my family and friends, almost to the point that I push aside MY obligations in order to help my loved ones, which is not good either. I need to find balance. But isn’t that what’s life about?
Anyways, It just shocks me whenever I hear about friends not supporting others or helping others in desperate need of help. Isn’t that the point on true family and friendship?
I mean I would not call many people my “friends.” I know a lot of people. But I only call my friends people who I know are there for me, support me, believe in me, and would help me even if it wasn’t convenient for them. There have been times I really needed help, and people came through for me, so I know they are my real friends, and there have been times I’ve needed help from other “friends” and they were no where to be found. So I don’t waste my time with them anymore. Life is too short to have such superficial relationships with people and spend your precious time with people who when it comes down to it, don’t have your back.
Regardless, the world would be a better place in general, if everyone stepped up, took themselves out of the equation, and looked at the bigger picture. We really need to pull together, especially during these tough times and help wherever we can. Friends, family, strangers, whoever. Just be more open and aware of these things.
Just a thought
Peace and Love,
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Be Open
"Sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself"
Sometimes people get stuck in their routines. They stop going out of their comfort zone, trying new things, getting to know new people, and just stay where they have always been, a place that is known and safe.
We weren’t put on this earth to stay stagnant in our lives. We are meant to grow, learn, and try new things. Even if you fail at what you try, get burned by someone your trying to get to know, feel stupid, insecure, or embarrassed. It’s worth it. Don’t let that stop you from continuing to be open to new things. You honestly are missing out on so much by doing so. New experiences are what make life worthwhile. The more you are open to new things. the more you learn about yourself, and open your mind to new thoughts, ideas, and people. Every new experience is a lesson learned and there can never be too many lessons learned.
Go outside your comfort zone. Try new things with new people. Go out on a limb, every day. Every single day. You will be surprised how drastic your life changes and how different you feel since you are now truly Living.
Sometimes people get stuck in their routines. They stop going out of their comfort zone, trying new things, getting to know new people, and just stay where they have always been, a place that is known and safe.
We weren’t put on this earth to stay stagnant in our lives. We are meant to grow, learn, and try new things. Even if you fail at what you try, get burned by someone your trying to get to know, feel stupid, insecure, or embarrassed. It’s worth it. Don’t let that stop you from continuing to be open to new things. You honestly are missing out on so much by doing so. New experiences are what make life worthwhile. The more you are open to new things. the more you learn about yourself, and open your mind to new thoughts, ideas, and people. Every new experience is a lesson learned and there can never be too many lessons learned.
Go outside your comfort zone. Try new things with new people. Go out on a limb, every day. Every single day. You will be surprised how drastic your life changes and how different you feel since you are now truly Living.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Did she do the "Un-Thinkable?"
Please watch this... Now. Right now.
This is Alicia Key's Unthinkable video. I might be late on this but I just watched it for the first time last night. The song alone is beautiful but I was excited to see the video as well. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.
Alicia could have gone into a totally different direction with this video, and just made a standard one. A video of two people making that step from friend to lover... and she did.... But she did more than that and took it to a whole other level.
The video is so beautiful and I am so proud of her for making such a strong statement. Her video describes the racial tensions between black and white and how it unfortunately STILL is a big deal today. In the video, the "Unthinkable" is an inter-racial relationship. And what might have been considered unthinkable 50 years ago, is still considered unthinkable in certain areas of the US/world today.
The United States needs to get its priorities in order. I mean every day people preach about how we are one, people are the same, we should see no color and judge every one as equal. Yet there are many people who are racist, sexist, and prejudiced against all types of people.
The fact that some people would think an interracial relationship is unthinkable is hard for me to understand. I know that in certain religions or cultures it is considered unthinkable, but I mean--really? Love sees no color. And I don't think there is anything wrong with falling in love... Even if you happen to do so with someone who does not have the same background as you.
The thing that people fail to realize is that we are all one. We are put on this earth to connect, grow, and be of service to others. We are NOT here to seclude ourselves and separate ourselves from "Others." The fact is, in my world, there are no "others". We all feel pain, we all have struggles, we all have fears, we all are real. People need to get over this BS, because that's exactly what it is. Its inexcusable that you would let race stop you from following your heart. It's sad actually, very sad.
There is nothing wrong with dating outside your race; it shouldn't even be an issue. It shouldn't even be something people notice. Yet, it is a big deal for many people, which is sad. Don't get me wrong, there is also a problem when people only date outside their race and refuse to date anyone who is their race--that's discrimination and I don't believe in that either. Everyone deserves a fair chance without being prejudged. But if you happen to fall in love with someone outside your race. . .pursue it. Go for it. There's nothing wrong with following your heart. You feel me?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
What is Sexy?

What is sexy these days?
What do you define as sexy?
Look at the two photos above. The first, of Audrey Hepburn, is what I define as sexy. Audrey exemplifies class. She was beautiful, well spoken, intelligent, and extremely classy; she was a true woman and a real lady. To me, classy IS the new sexy. Not the second picture, of a woman barely clothed in a suggestive pose. Do people think that's true sexiness?
See it seems to me some people have it wrong. A lot of people actually. Or maybe its just me that has it wrong. But I doubt it.
See even If I looked under google images for "sexy" pictures.. .That's what I supposedly get. . . A bunch of half naked men/women dressed provocatively and posed suggestively. Is that really the message we want to send to people as sexy? I hope not.
See Sexy to me is how you carry yourself. It's being fun, fearless, confident, intelligent, and classy all wrapped up into one. You don't need to sell yourself short by dressing down, and wearing less to look sexy... I mean c'mon, really???
Remember when Justin Timberlake "Brought Sexyback"? Besides making amazing music that everyone could dance to, he was making a statement. The whole concept and look of his album was him dressed nicely; clean cut and fashionable. Not shirtless, not with chains, leather jackets, or little clothing. He was dressed nicely, dressed to impressed--with suits, vests, and more. His style was sexy! I mean that's what I would call sexy.
That's exactly what I mean though. So many times I go out and see women dressed provocatively and what is even worse is that they have no clue why men just want to sleep with them and not get to know them... Well, duh! If you are dressing a certain way, you are going to get treated a certain way. Sorry ladies but that is the truth.
I want to change the way some women think and teach all women that being classy IS sexy. That is truly what sexy is. Concealing and leaving things to the imagination is admirable. It's easy to throw on heels and a short skirt and tight top. But not all of us need to go there to get attention. Get your attention by being you who are and giving off great vibes/energy. You don't have to dress like that to get noticed... By the right man anyway...
Peace and Love,
Monday, July 26, 2010
Wise Words
"Don't try to change people - here's a better idea - choose people who are already the way u want them to be"
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Sweetest Thing
Lauryn Hill is one of the biggest influences on me musically. She's amazing to say the least. What I love about her is her honesty, her realness, and not to mention her originality with her style of music. There is something about her and her music that makes her so authentic. I love that kind of realness and creativity in her style of music. I can't wait for the day she comes out with new material.
Enjoy the video. It's one of my favorites
Peace and Love,
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Remember her?
Man, I miss Ashanti... Her voice, her energy, her music. She has influenced me in so many ways. This is one of my favorite songs. It's so beautiful and powerful. I really hope she comes out with more stuff like this.
Peace and Love
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