Thursday, July 29, 2010

Did she do the "Un-Thinkable?"

Please watch this... Now. Right now.

This is Alicia Key's Unthinkable video. I might be late on this but I just watched it for the first time last night. The song alone is beautiful but I was excited to see the video as well. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.

Alicia could have gone into a totally different direction with this video, and just made a standard one. A video of two people making that step from friend to lover... and she did.... But she did more than that and took it to a whole other level.

The video is so beautiful and I am so proud of her for making such a strong statement. Her video describes the racial tensions between black and white and how it unfortunately STILL is a big deal today. In the video, the "Unthinkable" is an inter-racial relationship. And what might have been considered unthinkable 50 years ago, is still considered unthinkable in certain areas of the US/world today.

The United States needs to get its priorities in order. I mean every day people preach about how we are one, people are the same, we should see no color and judge every one as equal. Yet there are many people who are racist, sexist, and prejudiced against all types of people.

The fact that some people would think an interracial relationship is unthinkable is hard for me to understand. I know that in certain religions or cultures it is considered unthinkable, but I mean--really? Love sees no color. And I don't think there is anything wrong with falling in love... Even if you happen to do so with someone who does not have the same background as you.

The thing that people fail to realize is that we are all one. We are put on this earth to connect, grow, and be of service to others. We are NOT here to seclude ourselves and separate ourselves from "Others." The fact is, in my world, there are no "others". We all feel pain, we all have struggles, we all have fears, we all are real. People need to get over this BS, because that's exactly what it is. Its inexcusable that you would let race stop you from following your heart. It's sad actually, very sad.

There is nothing wrong with dating outside your race; it shouldn't even be an issue. It shouldn't even be something people notice. Yet, it is a big deal for many people, which is sad. Don't get me wrong, there is also a problem when people only date outside their race and refuse to date anyone who is their race--that's discrimination and I don't believe in that either. Everyone deserves a fair chance without being prejudged. But if you happen to fall in love with someone outside your race. . .pursue it. Go for it. There's nothing wrong with following your heart. You feel me?

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