I don't like to rush things. I'm saying this because I feel rushed at the moment and I don't want to rush this blog just because I feel like there might not be enough hours in a day. With that, I'm going to take a deep breath and begin writing...
Independence. That's whats on my mind today. One lesson I have learned is that as a female its so important to remain independent. I love having my own life, friends, and career and it is something that keeps me "me" One thing I want to explore and promote through my music is that female independence. Since I was born, Ive always had that attitude of getting everything myself and never letting a man take over or do everything for me. Don't get me wrong, if you have that by all means go for it, I'm just saying a woman can always fall back on her independence, because relationships come and go...
Its so seldom to see a couple that last a lifetime these days. SO many people lie, cheat, etc and that's why women have to get it together NOW. Its so important to have your own money and your own life. Because not only does it keep YOU happy, it'll keep others around you happy because since you have your own, you have more of yourself to give.
I believe in long lasting love, I believe in long lasting friendship, and I believe in fairy tales. But just because I believe that doesn't mean it always turns out that way. SO while yes, you may think you have found "the one" or have the greatest friends you have to remain true to yourself. you have to be aware that your surroundings change and can change you and that you won't let it. Always maintain your independence and continue being you. Even when it's not convenient.
I have come to realize that everything in life comes and goes. Your relationship with your parents, friends, lovers, jobs, experiences, feelings. At one point they are all close to you / strong and at others they are weak/non existent. So you gotta just learn how to roll with the punches and let go of everything so that when you have it you can truly enjoy it and embrace it, but when they are gone, you don't completely fall apart. So ladies, Please remember to always remain you. Make your own money, have good people around you, and always do you. Never let a man do everything for you until you learn how to do all these things for yourself. Because once you depend on a man, friend, parent, for everything... that's when things can get messy.
on that note i hope everyone has a great day!
(sorry to be a little bit of a downer today... but this is an important subject thats near and dear to my heart)
Peace and Love,
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