Monday, June 28, 2010

Lauryn's Back!

Take a sec to look at this blog ...

Man... I've MISSED Lauryn Hill. I was really excited to see this article because She's one of my favorite artist and it seems like she has been MIA for so many years.

Anyways I thought this article was interesting and just wanted to share it with all of you. I think its interesting how she mentioned that her environment, meaning the music industry was not necessarily looking out for her best interest and she didn't have the right support system around her to continue doing what she was doing.

I think that's a common problem in the music industry and that's something I am not looking forward to. I think for that exact reason, that is why there are so many celebrities with so many drug and alcohol problems. The people around them and the industry that they are in are not looking out for the best for them. Its sad to see all of these stars just go down the wrong path. That is why is crucial to have a good support system in any career you get into.

I really respect Lauryn's decision to take a step back. Most people would just continue doing what they do until they go so far down the wrong road that once they get there it is far too late. Sometimes you just gotta figure out what works best for you and act accordingly. I really respect people who take that time to step back to re-evaluate things. Its hard to do that especially when you are in the middle of a great career, but that's what she needed to do to fix herself and that's great for her. Sometimes we just need breaks in life and there is nothing wrong with that. I hope it has served her well and I cant wait to hear her new stuff if she chooses to record in the future :)

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