Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dare to Be Different

Life is about finding yourself. And sometimes that means you have the drift away from the crowd so you can stay true to yourself. So many people don’t want to stand out but over the past couple of years I have found thats what make you you. I mean look into the music world. Lady Gaga, for example, is huge and widely respected because she is true to herself; she is different. In the beginning of her career, people told her she would never make it and they rejected her. They thought she was weird and didn’t get it. I mean heck, I didn’t even get it the first time I saw her in one of her crazy outfits at the VMAs. But what I and most of the world has come to realize is that she knows herself and she’s just doing her. She’s absolutely brilliant.

Its hard at first, if people aren’t like you or don’t understand you, for you not to feel alone, or like an outsider. But after a while, people will come around. People respect you for doing what you feel is best and not “selling out.” Look at Alicia keys. She lives in a world where the entertainment industry is all about sex and makes billions off of sex appeal yet she always manages to look classy and not show that much skin. She never goes down that road the further her career. Thats a phenomenal thing to accomplish when a whole industry is doing it a different way. Or take Avril Lavigne. She came out when sexy pop stars where all the craze and everyone wanted to be like Jennifer Lopez, Cristina Aguilera, or Ashanti; all beautiful, strong, GIRLY women. Avril at the time was anything but girly. She came out on stage with her jeans, tee, and a tie and rocked out. She wasn’t sweet and gentle like most pop starts try to be, but she was outspoken, opinionated, and edgy. After Avril, I literally saw so many girls at my school looking and dressing like her everyday. It was cool to be different. People LOVED that about her. And thats my point. In life you have to figure out what makes you different and focus on that. People will Love you for that exact reason.

I remember being in high school and so confused about myself. I didn’t fully know who I was yet and I went to a school of about 1500 students and I was one of 3 other african americans in the entire school. As soon as I walked on campus I was noticed. By everyone. I felt so uncomfortable in class when teachers would have discussions on slavery or racists and I would speak in a class full of Caucasians. I felt so out of place and so judged! I wanted so badly to just be invisible because I felt SO visible. I wanted to be like everyone else. Not unlike everyone, not an outsider. Because that's how I felt. No one looked like me, so I felt alone. For lack of a better word, it sucked. I tried to wear what everyone else wore and act a certain way just so I could show people I was like them. But that was many years ago. Now I have learned to embrace my differences and show them off. I make them my strengths. I’m just doing me and it feels great! Now if Im the minority in the room I don’t care. I have embraced my differences and Im HAPPY to be different, in how I look, dress, feel, and express myself. Thats what makes me me and I am soo grateful for that.

Everyone feels like an outsider or alone at some point. Just remember that its OK to be different and sometimes you have to stand alone to stay true to yourself. Thats okay! Truth is if you tried to be something you weren’t, you would be worse off and unhappy anyways, so just do you and the rest will follow.

Peace and Love


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Keep it simple

People over complicate things- including myself.

I want to make a point to simplify my life in every way. Its wayyyy to easy to get overwhelmed and stressed in this day and age.

Wow. This might take a lifetime to master, but I'm going to do it

Keep it simple guys.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Love you Mom

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

I wanted to dedicate my post today to my mom. She is an amazing woman who will never get enough credit for all she has done. I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for my mom. Through her I have learned how to respect myself, educate myself, and have the poise and confidence to go far in life. I learn everything from her. I'm so glad I have such a good parent who serves as a great example to me. I have never met someone, so strong, independent, hard-working, generous, intelligent, open-minded, and classy. My mom defines the meaning of a true woman and mother. No one has sacrificed as much as she has for me, and I am forever in her debt. No matter what gifts I give her, she has given me the best gift of all... life! I know that sounds corny but its so true.

Its so funny because you know that phrase that basically says you always end up like your parents? Well If you would have told me that ten years ago I wouldn't have believed it. I literally remember sitting at home seeing my mom come home from work while she was talking to someone she worked with. She seemed so fun yet intelligent and witty that I was amazed. She did things I only dreamed of. Like she was (and still is) and incredible public speaker. She would speak at events with hundreds of people and remain so poised and knowledgeable on her subject. She was extremely smart; always knew how to get her way and would figure out how to make something out of nothing. She was so comfortable around people, so energetic and charming. And this was a big deal because at the time I was at that age where you are a little socially awkward, haha. SO I looked at her as this amazingly accomplished, yet caring person and I never thought I would amount to her greatness. I looked up to her so much and put her on such a huge pedestal that I thought I could never reach. Today, is a different story though. I have grown so much and I'm soo happy to say I'm my mother's daughter. I cant believe it but I really have grown to be very much like her and I'm so thankful for it. I have slowly but surely learned how to do all these things that I never thought I would be able to do or be comfortable doing. I have learned so much through her strength and example. Don't get me wrong, I still have A LOT more to learn and to grow, but I just cant believe I have made it this far. I am so blessed.

So thank you mommy, for your kind and inspirational words, your dedication to serve not only your children but everyone around you, and your dedication to yourself to become a better person each and every day. If it wasn't for your encouragement since I was born to do or be whatever I wanted to I don't think I would have ever dreamed big enough to truly believe I could achieve everything I ever wanted, not to mention go for my singing career. You always believed in me and told me all things were possible. And I'm starting to find out you were completely right.

I love you mom. I really really do.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This blog does not need a Title :)

WOW! There is so much I wanna say and so much on my mind but I'll stick with the simple stuff... For now.

Today has been a really good day so far! I met with my good friend Ashley who photographed me today for some new looks for my myspace. Im completely re-doing my website so Ive been so busy putting it all together! So many artist have so much help (publicist,managers,stylists, etc) but I'm really just doing this all by myself. Its pretty cool thought, trust me I'm not complaining. Its just a lot of work to do as one person! I just feel very accomplished because this week has been all about focus and getting stuff done that I needed to. But in the midst of my work, I realized that I miss dancing! I haven't been going to dance studios much and keeping up with my other passion, dance. Ashley and I were on the same hip hop team in college and it was so nice seeing her today because it reminded me of my love for dance and the people who love what I love. So Just because you are busy focusing on your careeer, it doesnt mean that you should lose sight of other hobbies or things that make you happy. So today i decided im going to get back into dance and start taking some classes. Im super excitedddd.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I don't like to rush things. I'm saying this because I feel rushed at the moment and I don't want to rush this blog just because I feel like there might not be enough hours in a day. With that, I'm going to take a deep breath and begin writing...

Independence. That's whats on my mind today. One lesson I have learned is that as a female its so important to remain independent. I love having my own life, friends, and career and it is something that keeps me "me" One thing I want to explore and promote through my music is that female independence. Since I was born, Ive always had that attitude of getting everything myself and never letting a man take over or do everything for me. Don't get me wrong, if you have that by all means go for it, I'm just saying a woman can always fall back on her independence, because relationships come and go...

Its so seldom to see a couple that last a lifetime these days. SO many people lie, cheat, etc and that's why women have to get it together NOW. Its so important to have your own money and your own life. Because not only does it keep YOU happy, it'll keep others around you happy because since you have your own, you have more of yourself to give.

I believe in long lasting love, I believe in long lasting friendship, and I believe in fairy tales. But just because I believe that doesn't mean it always turns out that way. SO while yes, you may think you have found "the one" or have the greatest friends you have to remain true to yourself. you have to be aware that your surroundings change and can change you and that you won't let it. Always maintain your independence and continue being you. Even when it's not convenient.

I have come to realize that everything in life comes and goes. Your relationship with your parents, friends, lovers, jobs, experiences, feelings. At one point they are all close to you / strong and at others they are weak/non existent. So you gotta just learn how to roll with the punches and let go of everything so that when you have it you can truly enjoy it and embrace it, but when they are gone, you don't completely fall apart. So ladies, Please remember to always remain you. Make your own money, have good people around you, and always do you. Never let a man do everything for you until you learn how to do all these things for yourself. Because once you depend on a man, friend, parent, for everything... that's when things can get messy.

on that note i hope everyone has a great day!

(sorry to be a little bit of a downer today... but this is an important subject thats near and dear to my heart)

Peace and Love,


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Currently wide awake thinking... Life is about inspiration. Its about inspiring others and being inspired. Todays goal? Get out there and inspire. Whether it be with your art, music, logic, skill, mind, energy, or attitude. Whatever it is you "do" you can inspire just by simply doing it. I'm going to create something beautiful today.