Friday, July 16, 2010


Last night I watched the movie Inception, which is amazing by the way, so everyone must go see it. Anyway, I won't give anything away but the whole point of the movie is that the strongest, most powerful thing that can either destroy a person or turn them into greatness is one thing; the mind. The mind is so powerful and what you feed it really determines how you live your life. One thought can change your entire life. I believe that thoughts turn into your "Truths" or what you perceive to be real. When you believe these things (thoughts/ideas/etc) to be real, you start to act upon that belief. For example, if you believe people are greedy and untrustworthy, you won't be as open to others for your whole life. You will go around missing opportunities, and in turn pushing people away because of this belief. If you think a certain way, it effects your actions, which in turn effect your life. It is so important to think positive and not dwell on negative things because it really can ruin a person. It can ruin your self esteem, your relationships, how you work with others, or how others perceive you.

I think this is such an important concept for people to grasp that for those of you who would want a deeper understanding of this, I would suggest you read Wayne Dyer's book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

++ Stay Positive ++

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